Cynlluniwch eich llwybr Teithio Gwasanaeth Cyngor i Mewn i Waith Archwilio Cyfleoedd Blogiau Cysylltwch a Ni Amdanon Ni Creu Cyfle Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Caerdydd Cyllid Chael eich dweud

Cynlluniwch eich llwybr

Archwiliwch sectorau twf Caerdydd! Dyma’r meysydd lle mae’r nifer fwyaf o gyfleoedd gwaith yn tyfu yng Nghaerdydd dros y blynyddoedd nesaf. Felly os nad ydych am symud allan o’ch ardal, neu os na allwch oherwydd ymrwymiadau teuluol neu arian, dyma rai o’r llwybrau hyfforddiant neu addysg y gallech fod am eu hystyried.

Bydd pob Sector yn dangos ei 5 swydd fwyaf yn y galw mwyaf ac ystod o wahanol lwybrau dysgu y gallwch eu cymryd i gyrraedd yno.

Health and Social Care

Find your passion in providing vital health and social care services to support a range of people in need.

Advanced Materials and Manufacturing

Apply your creative and technical skills in a fast-paced industry to create innovative products for the world.


Conquer the digital sphere with high-tech skills for creating, implementing and operating new technologies across all industries.


Make your mark in an industry that operates at the intersection of art and science, developing communities and strengthening economies.

Creative, Media and Entertainment

Pursue your passion and dive into a world of creativity, from the big screen to preserving heritage - develop talents that make people say "wow".

Hospitality and Retail

Play your part in this diverse, customer-centric industry, preserving culture and national heritage and developing the local community.

Compound Semiconductor

Position yourself at the forefront of the next generation of semiconductor technologies, powering transport, clean energy and digital communications.


Learn the trade and apply your skills to the design, installation and maintenance process of essential products and services.

Financial and Professional Services

Craft a high-flying career in banking, insurance, property or wealth management in this fast-growing sector.