​​​​​​Jobs Growth Wales+ is an education and training programme which incorporates work experience by preparing young people for their future careers by helping them to become 'work ready'.

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JGW+ is a fully-funded training and development programme that gives you the skills, qualifications and experience you need to land an Apprenticeship, set up a business or find a job that's right for you.

If you’re living in Wales, are aged between 16-19 years old and are not in full-time education, employment or training you could benefit from JGW+. It’s a flexible programme, designed around you. So, it’s a good option whether you want just a little help or more support with particular needs.

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Develop your skills, gain valuable experience, and earn up to £55 a week. If you’re living in Wales, are aged between 16-19 years old and are not in full-time education, employment or training you could benefit from JGW+

Job Growth Wales+ is a learning programme that gives you the skills and experience needed to secure employment or to progress into an Apprenticeship or further learning in the future.

You will receive comprehensive support to develop your skills, increase your knowledge and maintain your health and wellbeing.

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Learning 4 Life is Llamau's education and learning programme.

The programme offers learning opportunities for young people to improve self-esteem, develop skills and move towards a more confident and independent future. Learners can gain qualifications and accreditations, work placement and volunteering opportunities and support towards employment and further learning.

Any young person aged 16-19 who is currently not in education, employment or training can attend Learning 4 Life.

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