In Cardiff it’s easy to get from place to place on public transport. You might feel nervous getting public transport on your own for the first time, but this guide is here to help you.

We would recommend that you download the TRAVELINE CYMRU app into your phone, just pop in where you are now and where you want to go and by what time and it will plan your journey for you. It will give you the bus stop or train station, what time you need to be there and a map of where your going and when you will arrive.

An adult return bus journey anywhere in the city is £3.30 but if you’re 16-21 years old you can get a MY TRAVEL PASS online and save 30%! That means your journey wherever you need to go in Cardiff will cost you £2.20.

Sometimes your employer or education provider will have ways they can support you with transport so its always best to check:



Jobs Growth Wales+

If you are enrolled on a Jobs Growth Wales+ programme, you may be eligible to claim your travel expenses back from you training provider. You will need to pay the first 10% of your weekly training allowance. This means that if you are on a training allowance of £30 per week you would need to pay the first £3 towards your travel costs, and then claim the rest back.

The following drop-down boxes will give you more information on different ways to travel in Cardiff and some ways you can make savings.